Hours and Access

Welcome to the most popular place on campus! We strive to make our learning commons an inviting, accessible place where all students feel they belong. On average, 540 different students visit the learning commons independently each day!
Before/After School
We open every school day at 7:30am. No pass is required, but students must sign in at the circulation desk each time they enter.
Closing time is officially 3:40pm, but students are welcome to stay after school until the library media specialists leave!
During Lunch
Students may also visit the learning commons during their lunch period. No pass is required, but students must sign in at the circulation desk each time they enter.
During Class Time
Students may use the learning commons during class time, but they must have with a pass from their teacher or an administrator. Students must sign in at the circulation desk each time they enter.
Audio and Video Studios
Our audio production studio and video production studio each use a reservation system. Reservations are required but often do not need to be made in advance. In other words, students can often make their reservation as they are entering the studio. In order to use either studio during class time, students need both a reservation AND a pass from their classroom teacher.
Our makerspace operates on an open-access “free make” concept, so students do not need a reservation to use it.
Group Study Rooms
The learning commons features several small rooms that students can use for group study and collaboration. These are available on a first-come, first-served basis.