Cobb Public Library PASS
All Cobb students now have instant access to all Cobb Public Library resources, including ebooks, audiobooks, online courses, video streaming, research databases, and more.
Login Instructions
Click the button above to open Library PASS, or use any of the links below for specific resources. Anywhere on the Cobb Public Library site where it asks for a library card number & PIN, use these numbers instead:
- Library Card: Your Campbell Student ID (lunch) number
- PIN: Your 4-digit birth date (If your birthday is February 7th, your PIN is 0207).
Some resources require an additional account to be created, but you can use your Library PASS credentials to create your account for these resources.
Library PASS Resources
Here are some of the most popular resources available through Cobb Public Library PASS:

Book & CD Checkout
Search the catalog for books and CDs to check out. Use your PASS account to reserve them and manage your account.

eBooks & Audiobooks
Add Cobb Public Library to your Sora App to access ebooks and audiobooks from the public library.