Countering Hate Speech

Countering Hate Speech: Resources for Students

Reporting Hate Speech

If you witness hate speech targeting Campbell students and staff, you should always report it, even if it takes place online or off campus. It’s especially important for all of us, not just the victims, to report it.

Reporting to a Trusted Adult

Campbell students can report hate speech directly to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, administrator, or counselor. You can also report it to Lara Fain, our School Social Worker.

Reporting Anonymously

Anyone can report hate speech and other safety issues anonymously through the district tip line:


If you choose to respond to hate speech, proceed with caution. Do not respond unless you are sure it is safe to do so, and only respond in ways that are productive. Counterspeech is a form of response that is intended to build empathy and create a positive outcome. Read more about it at the links below.

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